Healthy Masculinity Leaders Programme
Empower your school to redefine masculinity
Lead student-driven change and tackle the culture of masculinity at your school head-on
Our Healthy Masculinity Leaders Programme engages a select group of students in promoting healthy masculinity within their peer group and the school as a whole.
We evaluate school-wide cultures of masculinity and create a bespoke training programme to train your selected students as “Healthy Masculine Leaders”, culminating in student-led social-action initiatives that raise awareness of healthy masculinity, and other student identified issues.
Co-created with Epsom College in 2023/2024, the programme is designed to help schools embed healthy masculinity within their students' peer groups and create sustainable, long-term change...
...from cultures that may contain aspects of unhealthy masculinity and misogyny, to peer-led cultures that champion healthy masculinity and gender equality for the benefit of the whole school community.

“I'm now in a better position to be able to guide other boys and men to embrace their masculinity without it being harmful to others or themselves.”
“I've enjoyed learning about what positive
masculinity actually means and not what it's thought to mean e.g completely losing everything masculine about you.”
“Before the sessions I used to think that positive masculinity meant becoming more feminine and limiting masculinity, whereas now I understand that you can be masculine and positive together”.
Year 10s, Epsom College
The pilot version of the programme came to a close in April 2024, with the second iteration launching at Epsom College in September 2024. Read the pilot's impact report here.
Chris Filbey, Assistant Head at Epsom College, said:
“Our society has reached the point where young men and boys are struggling to articulate what is good about being a man. Therefore, at Epsom, we are aiming to be proactive in promoting and fostering positive, healthy masculinity rather than being reactive to issues that arise.

Supporting young men and boys to talk about their mental health, helping them when they are struggling, but also promoting positive wellbeing, developing character and thus building resilience, are all essential.”